Putting together the right outfit for an event can be stress-inducing enough on its own, but when you’ve overlooked your accessories, a short sock guide can help to add some extra flavour to your outfit.
When you’ve got a wedding or a big birthday coming up, you’ll want to dress to impress and this should apply to your footwear too. Getting your sock choices spot on can make you feel an extra confidence when walking into any room.
Let’s take a look at some colour advice, so you won’t clash and burn at your next event.
Clashing Patterns

Try to avoid wearing any socks that have a strong pattern that clashes with the material or pattern that you’re wearing elsewhere. If the trousers or suit you’re wearing is striped, plaid or check then choosing socks with a colourful pattern can detract from the outfit and won’t gel with what you’re wearing. You don’t want your outfit to look too busy.
Light Suit and Loud Socks
If you’re wearing a suit or trousers that’re quite a muted colour, for example a light grey, then wearing a brighter more vibrant pair of coloured socks can look great. A grey suit and a yellow sock could be your next combination to add some extra personality to your look. The contrast in colour tone can provide a flash of fun – the zanier the better. We’ve got some fantastically colourful socks to choose from to brighten up an otherwise muted colour pallet.
Matching Socks with Accessories
It’s good to choose socks that complement the rest of the accessories you’ve chosen to go with your outfit. If you’re wearing a tie or a pocket-square then socks of the same colour or pattern can provide some matching symmetry to your outfit. This is a really easy, effortless way to pull your look together.
Another way to create a consistent colour scheme is to match your trousers and sock colours, a similar colour tone makes your outfit look more seamless which can be suitable for more formal occasions.
Read the Room
Sometimes bright socks just don’t suit the occasions. You don’t want your sock choice to overpower an outfit that should be remaining subtle. Let’s say you’re wearing a tuxedo to a wedding or black-tie event, wearing bright red or orange socks might detract from the simplicity and style of the outfit you’ve put together. When the occasion is a bit more serious and formal, a muted colour tone is perfect.
Ditch the White Sock
We think that although white socks can be stylish and classy in their own right, most of the time there’s room for you to be a bit more experimental and choose a more interesting tone! Even a grey or a beige can add a bit more interest and excitement to an outfit.
Look at Your Shoe Choice
As well as the fabric, patterns and tones of the clothes that you’re wearing, you also need to think about your shoe choice too and how well your socks will match. More casual shoes for a wedding or big event can work really well with more colourful socks and patterns but very formal-style shoes can clash with more outrageous colours and patterns, because it doesn’t suit the overall personality of the outfit or occasion.
Don’t be afraid to try out new statement colour schemes and tones, but try to match your look to the type of event you’re going to.